AI Tools Directory
Discover and explore our collection of cutting-edge AI tools
Amazon SageMaker Autopilot
Automate model creation, optimize hyperparameters, and explore models efficiently for improved accuracy.
Amazon Web Services AI
Build custom models, automate processes, gain valuable insights from data with pre-trained models.
Anaconda Enterprise AI
Fast, secure app development, easy process automation, and access to vast data sets & algorithms.
Android Studio
Easily create, develop, and deploy Android apps with an intuitive interface, code editing capabilities, and deployment tools.
Detect and alert anomalies in web apps, monitor cloud infrastructure, and address potential issues proactively.
Apache MXNet
Leverage deep learning models, distributed training, and Python/R programming for custom model development and deployment.
Apache Open NLP
Efficiently tokenize text, extract named entities and sentiments, and uncover patterns for informed decision-making.
Apache SINGA
Train, develop, deploy, and evaluate deep learning models with customizability.
Apache Spark ML
Train regression, classification, and anomaly detection models for customer churn, fraud detection, and data anomalies.