AI Tools Directory

Discover and explore our collection of cutting-edge AI tools

AI Wizard

AI Wizard

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Create custom AI models, automate processes with ML models, and analyze customer data using natural language processing.

AI Model



Build and deploy AI applications with automated ML, NLP, and computer vision using its intuitive UI and scalable APIs.

AI Model



Monitor customer journeys, gain insights into customer behaviour, and optimize results with analytics tools.

AI Model


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Create custom NLP models, gain deep insights into data, and scale up with larger datasets.

AI Model
Alcohol Label Recognition API

Alcohol Label Recognition API


Alcohol Label Recognition API is designed to analyse pictures containing one or several alcohol labels and provide detailed information about the type of each beverage (beer, wine, vodka, whiskey, bourbon, brandy, cognac, rum, tequila, liquor) along with its unique properties.

AI Model
Algorithmia Natural Language Processing

Algorithmia Natural Language Processing

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Build language models, automate customer service, create chatbots, improve search algorithms, and generate reports.

AI Model
Algorithmia Text Classification

Algorithmia Text Classification

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Automate customer support, categorize product reviews, and detect sentiment in social media posts.

AI Model


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Gain insights from data, access predictive analytics, and analyze large datasets with an intuitive user interface.

AI Model
All Things AI

All Things AI

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Learn AI fundamentals, stay updated on breakthroughs, and access resources to stay ahead.

AI Model